Our Writers
Some of our writers have academic backgrounds in computer technology, while others are technology enthusiasts in their own lives. Our writers are good at using technology, whether it’s for solving complicated problems or making daily tasks more efficient. And they’re dedicated to writing easy-to-understand articles to help more and more people benefit from the power of technology.
Marcus Liang
Enya Zhang
Iris Zheng
Brinksley Hong
Sammi Liu
Jocelyn Sun
Arlee Hu
Evie Gan
Over the past few years, many writers have joined our team and made significant contributions to our website. Although some of them no longer work with us, we still cherish the time we spent together and appreciate their efforts. See the writers who worked with us
More Team Members

Kevin zheng
Founder & CEO

Quasar Xue
Development Engineer

Willson Chen
Software Developer

Levi Qin
Front-end Developer

Hinata Zhang
PHP Development Engineer

Derek Xiao
Operation Engineer

Leo Jiang
Operation Engineer

Andr Hu
IT Technical Support

Lily Qiu
IT Technical Support

Yuki Huang
IT Technical Support

Aimee Huang
Design Director

Jimmy Zhu
UX Designer

Tina Sheng
UX Designer

Marcus Liang
Content Lead

Melody Yin
HR Specialist

Isabella Hu
Admin assistant
Our Corporate Culture
Learning & Rewards
We are a team dedicated to continuous self-improvement. We encourage ongoing learning and offer rewards for our team members when they acquire professional qualifications related to their job roles.
A Group of Lively People
We’re a fun bunch. In our spare time, we engage in various leisure activities. Among us are great guitarists, sports enthusiasts, amateur psychological consultants, and more.
Workshop for Relaxation
We take mental health seriously. Therefore, we organize diverse activities and events every Thursday afternoon for relaxation and to enhance mutual understanding.
2.5-Day Remote Work per Week
We offer flexible work schedules. Our employees can choose to work from home or anywhere else for half of every week.
Meals & Snacks
We have two dedicated chefs to cook lunch and dinner for our staff. Snacks and drinks are always available in the lounge to keep us energized.
Annual Travels
We sponsor one provincial tour mid-year and one week-long international tour to different destinations each year.